Your barrel saddle is the most important piece of equipment. Without a proper fitting saddle, you and your horse can become sore. Make sure you use a saddle that fits your horse's back and your seat correctly. It is best to buy a saddle that is one size smaller than you would usually buy for trail riding, during racing your leather is going to stretch a little and you want the maximum hold so you don't fall out while your horse is turning or running.
The next piece of equipment that can make or break a barrel run is the bit. Having the correct bit means your horse responds to your slightest move of the reins, the bit fits good and doesn't pinch his mouth and allows him to make a great run. Usually the bit that gives you the most control and is sensitive to the horse would be best for racing. Most barrel racers keep an assortment of different types of bits in their barn. One bit is not going to be the best for every horse and some horses need different bits for different situations. Some barrel racers use one bit for training, one for exercising, one for competition and another for pleasure riding. Having the proper bit is one of the most important things you will buy, if you don't have any control over your horse in the arena you are going to have a hard time getting your horse to respond to you.

The last thing you will need that is very important in barrel racing is reins. Buying the right type of reins is crucial for racing. If you buy the wrong type of material it might be too slick to hold onto while running, also having the proper length is the only way to control your horse the most efficient way. You will need to determine what length of reins you want buy how tall your horse is and how much length is between you and the horses head, and also how much give you want while running.
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